Donald S Murray

Donald S Murray has been described as having ‘one of the most original and innovative voices in contemporary Scottish Literature’.  Raised in Ness, Isle of Lewis, a weaver’s son, he went to the Nicolson Institute in Stornoway before going to Glasgow University.  He returned to be a Teacher of English in the NI and Sgoil Lionacleit, Benbecula, before moving to Shetland.

Featured innumerous publications and Scottish literary magazines, his poetry and pross been anthologised in national collections while his short stories have been broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and Radio Scotland and – as a Gaelic speaker – BBC Radio Nan Gaidheal.  Lately, among other programmes, he appeared on the BBC 4’s Birds Britannia.

His works include ‘The Guga Stone’ with visual artist Doug Robertson; Weaving Songs; ‘Between Minch and Muckle Flugga; Praising the Guga; Speak To Us Catriona; The Guga Hunters; Special Deliverance; Small Expectations;  And On This Rock, Italian Chapel, Orkney’

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